Health & Hospitals

11 Ways to Boost your immune system to fight against viruses

Your first line of defence against viruses, bacteria, germs, and infection is your immune system. It is made up of cells, proteins, organs, and tissues which prevent the organisms and substances from invading our body and avoiding diseases.

Most of us do not live a healthy lifestyle we eat all kinds of junk food, we smoke, we drink alcohol and we take lots of stress these elements Leeds to decrease in the immune system due to which we are prone to diseases.

The weak immune system of people is the main reason for people getting infected from coronavirus and other viruses.

How to find that you had a weak immune system

1. With the change in the season you get flu- change in weather you get flu this is the prime eg that your body cannot shield you from viruses and get infected from some kind of flu or other.

2. Always stressed and tired- Continuous stress leads to hampering the natural functioning of the immune system which then results in the reduction of white blood cells and thus more susceptible to infections such as cold and cough and most the day you feel tired.

3. Healing time- when your body is taking more to heel from small injuries and infection you should that your immune system is weak.

4. Change in Weight- when you gain or lose weight without a change in eating habits you should get an indication that your immune system is weak.

5. Age- As you are aging your body’s immune system is decreasing there are more chances to get infected when you are old.

How to boost Immune system

1. Healthy Diet- Eating healthy food and nutritious food helps to boost your immune system. Our body requires all macronutrients to function properly. You should eat a balanced diet which includes protein-rich food such as meats, eggs, and fish. Our body also requires healthy fat such as olive oil, coconut oil, ghee and omega 3 fatty acids which are naturally available in all fishes and flaxseeds. We should also include vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, capsicum. All kinds of citrus fruits also help us to boost the immune system as they are a rich source of vitamin c.

We should also drink an adequate amount of water. It helps cells operate efficiently and allows your body to process food and eliminate waste.

In addition to that, we should eat all kinds of herbs such as garlic, ginger and turmeric which are known to have healing element in them and is been used for years in home remedies for treating cold and cough.

2. Exercise- Regular exercise is key to living a healthy lifestyle. it improves your cardiovascular health, improves your blood pressure and lowers your weight it also improves your immune system When you engage yourself into regular exercise you mobilize immune system cells, helping the body defend itself against pathogens and cancer cell growth. Those who regularly engage in this type of exercise have fewer illnesses and less systemic inflammation. Exercise may also protect the immune system from the effects of ageing.

3. Keeping your stress level in check- In today’s world we face all kinds of stress that might be from work, home, wife or child due to the high level of stress our immune system decreases and we are venerable to diseases. So we have to find ways to reduce the stress you can try ou different ways such as yoga, meditation or pick up some hobby so you can keep your mind away from things which give you stress.

4. Sleep- Ideally one person needs to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day but due to pressures, we don’t get enough sleep. People who are not sleeping enough their immune system is weakened, so too improve it you need to stay away from caffeine at night and put your phones and laptops away from your bed so that you can peacefully sleep.

5. Less Alcohol- A person who is a regular drinker his immune system diminishes and he is suspectical to diseases. To improve the immune system you need to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume and drink in moderation.

6. Avoid Smoke- Smoking leads to many respiratory diseases along with that it also weakens your immune system. So you should find ways to quit smoking.

7. Personal Hygiene- keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to ward off illness. Make sure to wash your hands for 15 to 20 seconds (using warm water and soap) before preparing food or eating and after coughing, sneezing, using the bathroom, or touching public surfaces.

8. Vitamins- If you cannot full fill your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals you can do it by taking supplements. Your body requires vitamins A, D, C, and E. These all vitamins are required by your body to have a healthy functioning. These vitamins improve your immune system.

9. Walk Outdoors- We should walk more outside our home as walking in daylight it provides vitamin D and also helps to reduce weight. Vitamin D improves our immune system. Walking in sunlight for 10 15 min in summers daily is sufficient enough.

10. Probiotics- It feeds your gut bacteria. They are non-digestible and go through your stomach without being broken down and they are metabolised or fermented by your intestinal bacteria. Probiotic foods include raw garlic, raw or cooked onion, raw leek, raw asparagus, chicory, acacia gum, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, and raw dandelion greens. Garlic is also antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral.

11. Avoid Sugar- We should all avoid eating sugar and complex carbs and processed food as all these foods have a negative impact on the immune system.


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Last modified: February 17, 2020