Health & Hospitals

Benefits of Cold Water Showers

Taking a cold shower early in the morning or at the end of the day especially in the winters may be challenging as we from the time we were little we have taken bath with lukewarm but taking bath with cold waters have more benefits such as relaxing reducing soreness of muscles, promotes fat loss reduces stress and many more. The best thing is about cold water shower is that you are saving electricity therefore saving money and with just 3 to 4 mins cold water shower you can become a different person.

Here are the reasons of taking Cold showers

Promotes Fat Loss- Our body has 2 types of body fat brown fat and white fat. White fat is bad fat which we store all around the body in our thighs, hips, belly through consuming extra calories then our body requires to function. Brown fat is good it is the fat which the main function is to create heat which keeps up warm so when we take a cold shower Brown fats get activated resulting in producing energy and burning calories that help to lose fat from our body. According to a study cold water shower works so much that it can activate brown fat by 15 times higher than the normal amount.

Helps in recovery and reduces soreness- After an intense workout or you just have played a sport your body produces lactic acid so the cold water shower reduces lactic acid and improves blood circulation by sending blood to the organs to keep them warm is a great activity to improve cardiovascular health and reduces muscle soreness.

Increases Alertness- A Cold shower in the morning keeps you alert for the whole day as it shakes you off it regulates you to take deep breathes reduces the level of CO2 helping you concentrate for long for eg when we were young our parents used to say wash your face with cold water when we were studying and feeling sleepy.

Reduces Stress- Taking a cold water shower regularly promotes hardening which means increasing the tolerance of taking stress. Cold water shower reduces the level of uric acid, and boost levels of Glutathione in your blood.

Increases Testosterone level- It’s a proven study that tells cold water shower increases the testosterone levels. For especially men, any kind of heat has an effect on our DNA and protein synthesis and reduces the testosterone levels. Many bodybuilders tell that taking a cold shower increases the level of testosterone which helps in building muscles.

Improves Hair And Skin Quality- many dermatologists say that taking a regular cold shower is essential for good and healthy hair and skin. As cold water does not remove as much of the essential oils present on your skin and hair. Hot water has the tendency of drying out our skin so cold water is better. It also makes our skin appear shiny and strengthen the grip of hair on the scalp.

Ensures Better Sleep- Just before you sleep take a cold shower bath as it relieves all your stress and sourness and has an effect to make you sleep like a child.

Improves Immunity- One of the main benefit of cold water shower is that it improves your immune system as we take regular cold showers or body produces white blood cells which are essential to fight diseases internally. It also increases our metabolic speed rate and activates your immune system.
Improves Will Power- For a common man who is taking a cold shower for the first time it is a quite difficult task as his body is used to lukewarm water showers so for all health benefits of taking cold water bath is the way to right direction of improving health.
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Last modified: January 30, 2020