Health & Hospitals

Body Weight Home Workout of the Day (Upper Body)

We are all stranded in our homes due to COVID 19. So at Talkingtrendo will be daily publishing workout plans for you.

In these tough times we need to take care of our body in mind as well as physical capacity.

These workout can be easily performed at home with minimal equipment or if you don’t have any equipment you don’t have to worry as you can do without any equipment.

Stretching- we will do two sets of each exercise

1. World greatest stretch for 30 seconds each side.

2. Cammel cow pose for 30 seconds.

3. Release push-ups for 30 seconds.

4. Glute bridge for 30 seconds.

Warmup 2 sets

1. Leg shuffle for 1 minute

2. Mountain climbing 30 seconds.

1 minute rest

Exercise:- In today’s workout we will Tabata workout where wee will focus on the upper body and abdominal strength exercises. We will do 4 Tabata workout. Each workout we will perform for 2 sets each exercise we will do for 30 seconds and will take rest for 10 seconds.

First Tabata-repeat it 2 times

1. Side to Side Pushups 30 seconds on 10 seconds off

2. Superman Lat pulldowns 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

3. Shoulder Tap with pushups 30 seconds on 10 seconds off

4. body weight triceps dips 30 seconds on 10 seconds off

we will take 1-minute rest

Tabata 2 -repeat it 2 times.

1. Hand release push-ups 30 seconds on 10 seconds off

2. Superman rotations 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

3. Pike Pushups 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

4. Wall forearm triceps 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

I min rest

Tabata 3 – repeat it 2 times

1. High plank jacks 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

2. Alternate leg superman 30 seconds on 10 seconds off

3. Plank to down dog 30 seconds on 10 seconds off

4. high plank to low plank 30 seconds on 10 seconds off

Tabata 4 – repeat it 2 times

1. Plank to front arm raise 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

2. Side Plank 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

3. Plank to toe touches 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

4. Mountain Climbing 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

Then do cool-down exercises

1. Shoulder stretching do it for 30 seconds each hand.

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Last modified: June 5, 2020