Health & Hospitals

Binge Eating – Learn How to Heel Your Relationship with Food

last updated on: 25-04-2022

What is Binge Eating?

Binge eating can become a food disorder if you can control what you are eating and how much. People become binge eaters mainly when they alone most of the time individual don’t know how much they are consuming. After binge eating session people feel guilty that they cant control there emotions and most of the binge eater become obese and are unhealthy.

What Cause Binge Eating.

There can be many reasons people do binge eating here are some of the causes.

Fatigue from their work for egg an individual is alone came tired from his job he has no energy left in him to cook so he orders an unhealthy food item from a restaurant.

Stress – When an individual is stressed about some thing so he not thinking straight and without any consciousness he eats food items that he should not eat in large quantity.

Fad Diets – When you are following a diet plan and mostly you are on calorie deficit and avoiding some food items that you are not allowed to eat in the diet plan but you are on a regular basis thinking about these items and in the end you end up eating more that why these fad diets can not be liniment for longer term.

Emotions – When people are emotional about things do some times don’t think straight and end up eating more then actually they had to.

How to Cure Your Binge Eating.

1. keep notes about your binges what are you eating on a frequent basis that you not indulged in and try to find out reason why are you binging.

Are they Emotional ?



2. Think for a second have you tried to find a cure for your binge eating. Make a list of everything you have tried. Find out what all have worked and what all have not worked.

3. Don’t stop eating just because you think you should stop eating most the time while following a diet plan you set up a limit on quantity of certain food you can eat at one point with that yous end up unsatisfied and later eat more then required. You should give permission to yourself to eat enough food to resolve hunger so that later on you don’t end up binging on other food. People should include nutrient rich and quality food in there meals like eat more of fiber rich vegetables and lean protein as they take more time to digest and feel full most of the day.

4. Think about a food you desperately wanted to eat but you didn’t allowed yourself to eat. Find out could you have enjoyed a small amount of that food when you first craved it? Find out how did you feel? Maybe that food item is not that wonderful as you have thought while craving for it.

5. Find out that weather your ‘perfect diet’ is contributing to food obsessions? Note down your fears about eating certain food. Try to separate your fears from facts like for egg your allowed to eat only egg whites in your diet you are told to avoid yolk as in your mind you feel yolk is unhealthy but find out facts about yolks.

6. Draw a horizontal line and write binge eating on the left and restrictions on the right and in the middle write happy medium.


Try to find out where do you stand in this spectrum? How close you are to happy medium which means eating in a balanced way. Find out ways so that you can east in a balanced way.

7. Find out what would be your life look like without obsessing over food ? Is your binge eating life consuming? Is your drive for eating perfect diet taking you to the path of self destruction.

8. Write down what have you learn from each binge. The binge is not a failure but rather an event you can use as means to better understand yourself and your body requirements.

Please share your views about this article and tell us what do you think of binge eating and have you encounter any such situation in your life.

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Last modified: April 25, 2022