
How to apply for Australian PR?

How to apply for Australian PR?

Permanent Residency cases are some of the more complicated routes to Australian immigration, due to the seriousness of what approval or rejection could mean for both the country and the client. The Australian government needs to take its time in order to decide whether an applicant fits the bill of an Australian permanent resident, and this often takes quite some time. Many international students studying in Australia dream of one day becoming permanent residents and staying on in Australia for good. The most common pathway for students is to apply for General Skilled Migration on completion of their studies. The SOL sets out skilled occupations for migration to Australia under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa categories and the number of points are awarded to each skilled occupation. In order to lodge a valid GSM application, you must nominate an occupation that is on the SOL when you apply.

There are six different types of categories under which you can apply for skilled migration to Australia:
Skilled Independent Visa, Skilled Sponsored Migrate Visa, Skilled Independent Regional Visa, Skilled – Recognized Graduate (Temporary) visa, Family migration and Business migration.

Now after getting yourself into any SOL nominated job these suggestions come handy for a speedy acquirement of the PR –

  • If you can find an employer who is prepared to offer you a job, this can be the quickest way to get your first foot into Australia. It can easily lead to a permanent residency. Work for the same employer for two years, keep your nose clean and apply for residency.

This is not intended as an exhaustive list or even an authoritative guide. A couple of pages to give you an overview is never going to tell the whole story. And that’s all this is, an overview. The rules change all the time and they are extremely complex. For example, the government announced a reduction in the nation’s skilled migration intake at one point. The building and manufacturing trades were the ones hit. The idea was that companies would have to find bricklayers, plumbers, welders and carpenters domestically to combat the downturn in the building trade. But even so, employers who can’t find workers locally can still go abroad for them.


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Last modified: May 15, 2014