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Modi fixation in executive committee

The elections have gone and the verdict of people is loud and clear in the favor of Mr. Narendra Modi by electing him to be the patriarch of the change that is impending India for a long time. To embrace this changing atmosphere the ruling government needs good Samaritans who are ready to do whatever it takes to give a stabilized nation, economy and hence government. Since it is Narendra Modi’s victory, he will surely get a free hand in the selection of his Cabinet colleagues and in selection of a panel that would be his eyes and ears on the affairs as a whole.

On the drafting board, is a plan to combine the ministries of Power, Coal, Atomic and Renewable Energy into a single Ministry of Energy. Similarly, the ministries of Road Transport and Highways, and Shipping and Ports may be brought together under a Ministry of Transport. Technocrats are very much likely to get their place high in this regard as there are names which are being considered as per their expertise in a selected field. Technocrats are likely to be inducted in the second tier — as ministers of state or in charge of smaller ministries — to ensure delivery of results.

Let’s take a glance at few such names that are going to be very much under the scanner throughout the term of this government as they may be bestowed with some important responsibilities.

Deepak Parekh – the HDFC chairman is in news to be in the race for a strong technocratic post.

K. V. Kamath – A former chairman of Infosys and CEO of ICICI. It would be instrumental to see a top notch entrepreneur handling the onus of dealing the finance. Keeping fingers crossed!

Amit Shah – He served as home minister in Modi’s home state of Gujarat, is the new prime minister’s most trusted aide and would be an obvious choice for a top job.

E Sreedharan – The metro man, who transformed Delhi with a nice facelift with metro now is in demand to do the same magic to Indian railways.

Gen V K Singh – what more reliable than the person who knows the nuances of defense and swears to serve the nation with honor and valor, in this case the former armed forces general himself.

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Last modified: May 23, 2014