Health & Hospitals

Quarantine Workout of the Day – 20-04-2020

We are all stranded in our homes due to COVID 19. So at Talkingtrendo will be daily publishing workout plans for you.  

In these tough times we need to take care of our body in mind as well as physical capacity.

These workout can be easily performed at home with minimal equipment or if don’t have any you don’t have to worry as you can do without any equipment.


Both hand Toe touch 10 times.

Shoulder stretch 20 seconds each shoulder.

knee Tuck each leg 5 times.


30 seconds high knees.

Rest for 15 seconds.

1 Minute twisting jump.

Rest 15 seconds.

1 Minute Alternate toe touch.

Rest for 30 seconds.

Exercise:- Today we will do 2 AMRAP workouts. The first workout is for 20 minutes. In those 20 minutes, we will perform three exercises first is Squat and jump 90 degrees for 10 reps each side and the second exercise is high plank shoulder tap 10 reps each side and the third is star jacks for 10 reps. The combination of these three exercises will be one round. We can take rest according to our needs. Otherwise, we should do a workout nonstop for 20 mins.

1. body weight squats and jump 90 degrees 10 reps.

2. High plank shoulder tap 10 reps each side.

3. star Jacks 10 reps.

2 mins break.

Second set of exercise we will do a combination of two exercises each for 30 seconds then take a break of 15 seconds to repeat it three times.

1. Alternating single leg toe touch.

2. Mountain climbers.

Then do cool-down exercises.

1. Shoulder stretching do it for 30 seconds each hand.

2. Squat hold for 30 seconds.

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Last modified: April 20, 2020