Health & Hospitals

Quarantine Workout of the day – Wednesday

We are stranded in our homes due to COVID-19. So at Talkingtrendo will be daily publishing workout plans for you.

In these tough times we need to take care of our body in mind as well as physical capacity.

This workout can be easily performed at home with minimal types of equipment or if don’t have any you don’t have to worry as you can do without any types of equipment.

We will include exercises that mostly cover all the muscles.

So here is the Workout of the day. 


Roll Your Neck 5 time clockwise 5 times anti-clockwise

Roll both of your shoulders 10 times and 10 times anti-clockwise

kick each of your legs 10 times in the air

Alternate leg knee tucks – 5 times each leg


100 Jumping Jacks

100 Butt Kicks 2 sets – You need to keep your hands on your buts and try to kick

Exercise:- we will perform 10 exercises in one go. You can take rest according to your requirement.

Here are the 10 exercises

100 jumping split lunges

90 Pushups

80 bodyweight squats

70 sit-ups

60 glute bridge

50 burpee

40 Bulgarian squats (20 each leg)

30 leg raises

20 plank shoulder tap

10-inchworm with 2 pushups

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Last modified: April 1, 2020