Health & Hospitals

What Are The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

To lose weight we try all kinds of diets and try exercise routines but after some time we leave them in between because these diets make us eat less then usual or remove food from our diet that we like. The only way to lose weight we just have found our way to be in a calorie deficit.

A calorie deficit means eating less than your body requires to maintain its weight. It can be achieved by eating less or burning more calories through exercise. One another way of eating less than your body requires is Intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting can be divided into two phases non-eating window or fasting window of 12 to 20 hours and an eating window of 4 to 12 hours.

Methods of Intermittent Fasting

eat stop eat – This the method should be tried one a week according to this method you wast for straight 24 hours for eg you had dinner at 8 pm after you fast for 24 hours and then break the fast at 8 pm the next day.

16:8 method – This is one of the favourite method as you fast for 16 hours straight then in the remaining 8 hours

5:2 method- In this technique, you can consume an appropriate amount of calories that require to maintain your body weight for 5 days and in the next 2 days you can only consume 500 calories.

Warrior Diet- This techniques make you fast for 20 hours straight and give you an eating the window of 4 hours in the day.

Intermittent fasting can be implemented in your lifestyle and you can continue for long term as it does not have any specified food items that should be included or excluded you can create your own plan according to your likening as you just have to try and eat healthy and avoid junk food and some time include food you like.

How to implement

You first have to choose a 16-hour window which includes the time you are sleeping. The ideal way is to finish dinner early and then start the fast from there till next 16 hours and have your breakfast late on the next day.

This tool is not appropriate for people who are binge eaters, people with disordered eating, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, T1 diabetics.

Here is the list of Benefits of Intermittent fasting

Helps you to lose weight

The most important reason people do follow intermittent fasting is to lose weight. Generally when you have specified the time when to eat and when not to eat you would end up eating one less meal then usual if you were habitual to eating 4 meals in a day you would end up eating 3 meals which means if you are eating healthy food you would be consuming fewer calories. The fasting state also increases your metabolic rate. Increased metabolic rate will make you burn more calories when you are resting.

Makes your day simple

You don’t have to stress for what you should eat and what to avoid. In the limited time of eating food, you can eat any healthy food you want to eat. It makes you one less meal so you have to think less for one meal less than usual. It makes life simpler like that.

Intermittent fasting is easier to follow then diets-

The reason people fail in fallowing diets is that we do not pursue for a long time as in following diets you have to continuously eat what’s in the diet plan but in the case of intermittent fasting, it’s remarkably easy to implement once you get over the idea that you need to eat all the time.

Prevents from Diseases

There are not enough studies that prove it prevents diseases but supporters of intermittent fasting believes its prevents type 2 diabetes, improves heart condition helps in improving condition from some cancers,

Increases life spam

Many studies on animals have proven that Intermittent fasting improves like spam of animals. Human studies in the area are limited, and the potential benefits of intermittent fasting for human longevity are not yet known.

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Last modified: January 30, 2020