
Love Thy Skin -Ways to Protect your Skin Against Sun Tan

Love your skin?? Well we all do!! Beauty and skin care go hand in hand and our facial skin defines our extrinsic beauty. It also impersonates a major role in formulating and stimulating our  confidence and self esteem. Thus, taking due care of it turns paramount. Although in todays  scenario , a lot of intrinsic and extrinsic factors like, dust, pollution, weather change, unhealthy and improper diet structure, irregularty and added stress level in life style, adversly impacts our skin. Moreover, with the effects of global warming, raising the earth temperature , and bringing down extreme summer added with the ever scorching heat of the Sun, taking due protection of your skin from . all ammilments of sun damages forms a mandate. However, instead of splurging  money on expensive cosmetic products that are loaded with harmful chemicals and bleaching agents,  it is advisable to use some nourishing and wholesome face packs prepared from au natural ingredients that are easily available and hustle free to make.

Top 10 Home Made Remedies for Sun Tanned Skin Using Natural Ingredients:

Cucumber, Rose Water and Lemon Juice Pack:

The acidic property of lemon acts as a natural bleach in removing tan and fighting pimples.  The cucumber juice and rose water acts as cooling agents for soothing the blemished skin. Take a table spoon each of cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water and mix in a bowl. Apply with cotton on tanned areas, wait for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water. Apply this pack every day after you get back home from the sun.

Besan (Bengal Gram Flour) and Turmeric Face Pack:

This pack is a combo of bleaching and scrubbing with the wonder ingredient: Turmeric. Mix 2 tablespoons of besan, a pinch of turmeric, 1 table spoon of milk, and 1 table spoon of crushed orange peel in a bowl with cold rose water. Apply on clean face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Moist the dried areas by sprinkling water on it and slowly remove the pack by scrubbing gently in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. Apply this pack once in two days for effective exfoliation and tan removal.

Papaya and Honey Face Pack:

The enzymes in papaya are known for skin renewal, whitening, exfoliation and restoration. Honey helps in moisturizing and softening the skin. For this pack, take ½ cup of ripe papaya pulp and mash it well, add a table spoon of honey to it and mix well. Apply on clean face and dry for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water.

Tomato, Yogurt and Lemon Juice Face Pack:

This pack works wonders in removing dark spots and pigmentation from sun tanned skin. The citric property of tomato, yogurt and lemon juice works as natural bleach. In addition, tomato juice works as a natural toner to shrink open pores and reduce oiliness of skin. In order to prepare this pack mix 2 table spoon of tomato pulp, 1 Table spoon of lemon juice and 1 table spoon of yogurt in a bowl and apply on face. Let it dry for 30 minutes. Wash with cold water. The tomato juice may cause a sensation of itchiness in the beginning, but it will mellow down with regular application.

Aloe Vera, Masoor Daal (Red Lentil) and Tomato Face Pack:

Masoor daal helps in clearing even the extreme of tanning. This, in association with aloe vera gel and tomatoes acts as a complete skin rejuvenator. Soak a table spoon of masoor daal in water for 20 minutes and then make a rough paste. Mix this paste with fresh aloe vera gel and 1 table spoon tomato pulp and massage on face and neck. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse off with water.

Oat Meal and Butter Milk Exfoliating Pack:

Butter milk helps in soothing skin and healing blisters and oatmeal acts as a natural scrub that exfoliates skin, removes blackheads and dead cells. Mix 2 table spoon of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of butter milk and apply on face and body. Gently massage in circular motion. Let it stay for 15-20 minutes and cleanse with water.

Orange Juice and Yogurt Face Pack:

Orange is rich in vitamin C that helps fight skin blemishes. Collagen found in orange slows down the process of skin aging and helps in skin tightening. Yogurt acts as a natural bleach and moisturizer to make skin soft and supple. Mix 1 table spoon each of yogurt and orange juice and apply on face. Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse off with water.

Potato and Lemon Juice Face Pack:

Potatoes make mouthwatering snacks indeed, but it has huge benefits for skin too! Potato is loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein and fibers. Potato juice helps treat skin aging, blemishes and sun burn. It sooths the skin and calms it. Extract the juice of one potato using a grinder, mix a table spoon of lemon juice with it and apply on face and other affected areas. Let it dry for 30-40 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Strawberry and Milk Cream Face Pack:

This yummy berry has skin lightening agents that help in improving skin complexion and reducing dark spots, pigmentation and freckles.  Crush 4 strawberries and mix with 2 table spoon of milk cream and apply on face. Let it stay for 30 minutes and rinse off with water. Warning: This face pack is so delicious that you may be tempted to eat it!!

Prevention is better than cure!! Thus, it is advisable the take a pinch of requisite measures, and play safe with the Sun, rater being sorry later. Here are some of the simple yet effective precautionary measures to prevent your skin from any or all kinds of Sun damages:

The strength of UV radiation is highest in the four-hour period around noon: 10am to 2pm or, during daylight savings: 11am to 3pm. The best thing you can do for your skin is to avoid the sun during this period and seek shade. Plan your day.

Protective clothing:

Wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible, especially your shoulders, arms and legs. The best forms of protective clothing are loose fitting, closely woven fabrics that cast a dense shadow when held up to the light.

Broad-brimmed hat:

A hat with a brim of at least 7cm is a great way to protect not only the top of your head but also your neck, ears and face. These are parts of the body where skin cancer often occurs.


The most effective way to protect your eyes is to wear sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard AS 1067 and wrap around the sides of the face. This way UVR doesn’t reach your eyes


Used properly, sunscreens are effective in preventing sunburn. This means generously applying SPF30+ broad spectrum sunscreen to your skin, 20 minutes before you head outdoors. Remember to re-apply every two hours.

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Last modified: May 27, 2014