
Top 5 Over-Hyped Coffee Shops in Delhi

42+ User Votes to help you find Top 5 Over-Hyped Coffee Shops in Delhi.
When it comes to having a cup of coffee, we have certain names in our mind that we blindly follow. These are the over-hyped, branded coffee outlets which are followed by everyone just because they are trendy. Lets tell you about the top 5 big-name over-hyped coffee shops.

last updated on:- 17-06-2021

Which according to you is the most over hyped coffee shop in delhi?

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Cafe Coffee Day

With many outlets throughout the city, the coffee giant CCD is a huge name in the market and to be very honest, it does not live up to the hype it creates. CCD has outlets throughout the city and many of them are seen empty most of the times. Even if full, prices at CCD are hyped and the taste is just above average & there are other cafes in Delhi-NCR where you can get better coffee.

Costa Coffee

Another pioneer which has created a huge hype and has failed to live up to the expectation is Costa Coffee. It has a few outlets in Delhi only and the prices of any kind of coffee are sky-high. The taste is just fine and can be disappointing at times if you will consider the prices. The most crowded outlet is the one in Connaught Place which is mostly full, maybe due to the reason that it is very small on space.

Starbucks Cafe

Undoubtedly the most expensive coffee house in the city is Starbucks Cafe. With a few outlets in CP & Punjabi Bagh, American coffee giant Starbucks has already shown its rivals and the outlet in Connaught Place is the most over-hyped one. Rather than a true fan-following, crowd at Starbucks seems to follow a particular trend or a sheep-walk followed by all the people. Nice place to try just once, but not a regular one to visit.

United Coffee House

Another big name in the market of over-hyped coffee giants is United coffee House in Connaught Place. This place is a very strong contender when it comes to highly over-priced cup of coffee. Filled with rich brats all the time, United Coffee House is a place much to show off rather than to have an amazing cup of coffee. The ambience is no doubt excellent, but the coffee is not worth paying so many bucks.


With numerous outlets in Delhi-NCR, Barista has established its hype well in the market. Most of the outlets of Barista are located in Malls and other shopping complexes due to which it sees a large number of crowd and visitors. just like all its overlyhyped siblings, Barista too is high in prices and relatively low on performance. It is also among the places which are just in the market because of their hype and only hype.

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