Full Form

ISO Full Form – International Organization for Standardization

The full form of ISO is the International Organisation for Standardisation. ISO is an international organization that is independent, non-profitable, and non-governmental. Its primary function is to give an outline of international standards for products and services.

This means that International Standard Organization (ISO full form) certifies those products that comply with its given standards. Globally, an ISO-approved service or product is recognised as trustworthy and safe to use. It also refers to the authentic and reliable manufacturing of the products

That means you can buy a product that is ISO approved and know that it has been made genuinely.

International Standard Organization spans globally and has a network in 165 countries across the world. This makes it the largest organization to publish and develop international standards.

ISO came into effect on 23rd February 1947 and has been a symbol of trust and reliability since then.

What does ISO Certified or ISO Approved Mean?

When a business/company is ISO certified, it means that it has developed, maintains and follows the quality standards prescribed by the ISO. ISO audits the business process, documentation practice and management process and ensures that all the above work is carried out efficiently and effectively, and is in sync with best international practices. Additional Info Also Check Computer Full Form

ISO has issued more than 19500 international standards till now. It publishes numerous industry-specific certifications ranging from agriculture, health sector, food safety, risk management, etc.

History of International Standard Organization (ISO full form)

When the manufacturing of products is done according to different standards, chances are that the products made in one country won’t meet the standards in another.  This hampers the trading between different countries as the suppliers around the world do not want to take the risk of buying goods from other countries.

The International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA) was established in 1946 and later came to be known as ISO.

Its objective was to publish standards in the field of mechanical engineering but was later dissolved during the Second World War. In 1946, a  group of representatives from 25 countries came together to create a  new international standards organization. 

International Standard Organization (ISO full form) began its operations in 1947 to establish uniform standards to ensure products that comply with safety, reliability and quality standards. The term ISO has been derived from the Greek word “isos,” meaning equal.

For the first 40 years of existence, the focus of ISO was on developing technical standards for products and technologies.  Additional Info Also Check NCB Full Form

It was in the 1980s, that ISO began developing process standards, the first of which became known as the ISO 9000 Quality Management system standards. 

Benefits of ISO Certification

A business/company gains many benefits once it is successfully registered under ISO certification. An ISO certificate helps in improving efficiency and productivity along with boosting the company’s credibility in the market.

Earn International Recognition

ISO is a global organization that sets quality standards which are recognised worldwide. When a company is ISO certified, it gets recognised by other international companies and earns a good global reputation.

Enhances Product and Service Quality

When a business is ISO certified, it is compulsory to comply with the international manufacturing and quality standards of ISO. Therefore, the business manufactures quality products that must match the ISO standards, otherwise, it faces rejection on the grounds of quality concerns.

The Company Enjoys Increased Customer Satisfaction

 An ISO certified business has to ensure that it follows all the prescribed standards, which makes the business processes more streamlined and quality becomes uniform. The focus is then on achieving the satisfaction of customers by providing them with the best products and services, thereby resulting in establishing goodwill in the market and increasing levels of satisfied and happy customers.

Increased Number of Customers

An ISO-approved company will always make sure to deliver the best quality products and services in the competitive market. It can attract and retain more customers by providing high-quality products and services while carving  a place for itself in the market.

Decrease in  Costs/ Expenses

The prescribed quality and safety standards simplify the process of identifying wastage, and unessential duplicacy. The presence of uniform standards helps an ISO certified company to reduce and remove scrap and overtime. Additional Info Also Check BPO Full Form

Below is a list of some popular standards of the ISO:

  • ISO 9000:  It refers to the standardization of quality management.
  • ISO 10012: It is meant to measure management system.
  • ISO 14000: It is used to standardize environmental management.
  • ISO 19011: It provides a framework to audit management system.
  • ISO 2768-1: It is meant to issue a standard for general tolerance.
  • ISO 31000: It issues a standard for risk management.
  • ISO 50001: It issues a standard for energy management.
  • ISO 4217: It is meant for the standardization of currency codes.
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Last modified: May 14, 2022